How dental restoration work

Dental restoration replaces teeth that have become loose, decayed, or broken with dental replacements. The process involves using dental impressions and a dental lab to create a porcelain or metal crowns and bridges. This is done so that the restored teeth maintain their original appearance, function, and support.

Here are steps on how dental restoration work

1. Appointment with your dentist

You will need to make an appointment with your dentist’s office. This is even before you know precisely what the restoration process involves. You’ll want to get all the questions and answers and decide which restoration process best fits your needs and how many bridges you want or need. Your dentist may also recommend what treatment will be best for you (such as dentures, implants, or dental implants), so you are strongly advised to get all the questions answered first.

2. Take the impression

The first thing your dentist will do is take an impression of your teeth. This involves placing a unique material into your mouth. Once it has hardened, he’ll remove it and make a cast of the shape and size of your gums and teeth. He will then have another material injected into the mold to model the replacement tooth. This process is done to preserve your natural teeth for as long as possible since you should not chew anything with them until the process has been completed.

3. Send your model to a dental lab

Once your dentist has the model made, he will send it to a dental lab. The lab will use special tools and materials to create the crown or bridge according to the specifications given by your dentist. Each crown and bridge has different specifications that depend on several factors, such as what material is used, how many teeth are missing, and whether you need an entire tooth or only part of one. It takes about three weeks for the lab to finish making your crown and bridge. Your dentist will then remove the impression material from your mouth and install the new replacement tooth in its place.

4. Clean and polish the restored teeth

Your dentist will then visit your home to clean and polish your tooth replacement, making it look as perfect as possible. It would help if you did not eat or drink anything with this tooth until a few days have passed. This is because you will not want to introduce anything else into your mouth, which might cause irritation or pain in the restored tooth. In addition, you’ll want to ensure that all traces of the old restoration are gone from your teeth so that you won’t be embarrassed when others see them.

5. Return for a check-up

After about two weeks, you should return for another check-up and ensure everything is going well. Your dentist will examine the crown and bridge, ensuring they are securely in place. You will then be able to start chewing again, eat whatever you want, and smile all the way.

Dentiste St Hubert can be your go-to location if you need dental restoration work. He offers a wide variety of services to suit your needs. They have a mobile unit that travels around the Deltopia area for the convenience of their patients and clients, which is available for all types of work, from bonding to veneers.